Fernwood Elementary Mission
We create and maintain a safe and consistent learning community by establishing positive behavioral supports and a culture where all students achieve social, emotional and academic success.
1/20 | NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr Day | ||
1/24 | Last Day of the 1st Semester | ||
1/24 | Student Council Spirit Day - Cultural Day | ||
1/27 | No School - Teacher Work day |
First Semester Ends January 24th
First semester report cards will be available on Parentvue on February 3rd.
Student Council Spirit DayCulture Day is on Friday, January 24th. Students are encouraged to wear traditional clothing of the culture from which they most identify. We are appreciative of the ways our Student Council creates opportunities to celebrate and learn about the various cultures within our Fernwood community.
January 27th Non Student Day
The end of the first semester is on Friday, January 24th. Teachers are then given Monday, January 27th to use for grading and completing report cards. As a result, Monday, January 27th is a non student day and there is no school.
WIDA Assessments
Annual English Language Proficiency Assessment Students who qualify for English Language Development Services (ELD Services) will soon take the annual English Language Proficiency assessment called the WIDA Access or the WIDA Alternate Access Assessment (for students that qualify based on their IEP). The State of Washington requires that students who are eligible for ELD services take an assessment yearly to measure their continuing progress in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. All qualified students, including students who are eligible but whose parents have waived services, must take this assessment annually until their scores indicate proficiency and exit services. Your student does not need to study for this test. WIDA testing will take place in-person and at school between January 28th and February 28th. If you have questions, please contact Cassie Morton, Principal -cmorton@nsd.org.
Enrollment for 25-26 School Year
Enrollment dates are as follows:
January 6: The K-12 waiver application process opens for Northshore employees and in-district and out-of-district students with current waivers.
January 8: Open Enrollment for all Kindergarten students, new 1-12th grade Northshore students, and Choice Programs and Schools applications begin
February 24: Students with approved applications for Choice Schools and or Programs may submit waivers.
March 24: The K-12 application process for new waivers including in-district, out-of-district, and currently waived NSD students moving from 5th to 6th grade and 8th to 9th grade opens.
After School Classes
We still have spaces for Creative Hands art class starting February from 4pm to 5pm in Room P5. If you are interested, please register through their website. https://www.creativehandsstudio.net/product/fernwood-elementary-afterschool-art-program/
Join Fernwood PTSA
Join the PTSA: https://www.memberplanet.com/s/fernwoodptsa/membership-form-2023-24
Past Newsletters and Weekly Updates
Follow this link to Fernwood's past newsletters for the 23-24 School Year.
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