Weekly Update for January 13 - 17th 2025

Weekly Update for January 13 - 17th 2025

Fernwood Elementary Mission

We create and maintain a safe and consistent learning community by establishing positive behavioral supports and a culture where all students achieve social, emotional and academic success.




1/13 PTSA Spelling Bee Cafeteria 6:30pm
1/14 Listening Session Library 6:30-7:00pm
1/14 PTSA General Meeting Library 7:00-8:00pm
1/20 NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr Day    




Appreciation for Our Community

Thank you parents for your patience, understanding and ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of our students and community at arrival and dismissal times by following our new procedures. We understand this new phase has resulted in changes for some families as they navigate the adjusted procedures. We know that as students see the kindness and cooperation modeled by the adults, they are encouraged to demonstrate that same behavior towards their peers and adults as well.  Thank you parents for reaching out to share your experience, offer suggestions and encouragement. We appreciate hearing from you and take your input seriously.


I am repeating the overview of our drop off/pick up procedures below for your reference.


Change in Car Drop off/Pick Up

We have now entered Phase 2 of our construction project which means the new North Parking Lot is now in use.

Please see below for key important points starting January 6th: 

  • Parent vehicle drop off and pick is now in the new North Parking Lot with car entry further North on 39th Ave 

  • Walkers will be entering and exiting through the current walker gate. 

  • Bus LoopThe current temporary bus loop remains unchanged.

  • Visitors to the Campus Entry onto campus will be through the new door on the north side of the cafeteria starting 1/6. You will then need to proceed around the building, following signs on campus, to check in at the main office.

    • There will be a security camera in place with a buzzer on the door connected to the front office. 

    • The door will be unlocked for early programs and students between 8:00 and 9:30. It will then remain locked for the school day until dismissal. 

    • When visiting Fernwood, please park along 39th ONLY during non pick up/drop off times. (8:45-9:20AM and 3:20-4:15 PM)

In The Know

Live Listening Session 
Our next Live Listening Session will be on Tuesday, January 14th at 6:30pm. Parents wanting to attend can do so in person in the Fernwood Library or by Zoom. This is an open conversation for families to share thoughts and ideas on ways to strengthen our partnership in service of student learning.
Zoom Invite: use this link


     School Wide i Ready Challenge

Background:  Last year we saw an increase in students participating and being successful in i-Ready individual lessons when we began our i-Ready school wide challenge.  These lessons are another method for students to practice skills at their level in addition to the work teachers do with them in class and small groups.
Current:  We have decided to again hold School-Wide i-Ready Challenge increasing the percentage of students engaging in math lessons.  The following are details connected to this challenge:
  •  January's goal - reaching 90% students engaging in math i-Ready lessons.
  • Reward - Reaching our school-wide goal, we will have an extra-fun recess (not an additional recess) in early February.
  • Launch Date - We launched this last week on 1/7/25.
  • Updates will be provided each week in the Monday Morning Announcements.
  • School-wide rewards will be adjusted each month to keep up student motivation. We will continue to consider rewards by talking with our SDLT.
Parent Support: Please continue to encourage your child(ren) to do their best in completing i-Ready individual lessons in math within their classroom as well as home.  Parents will receive information regarding the i-Ready Challenge through communication in the Weekly Updates.  You can find more information about the i-Ready program as well as details about the challenge and ways to support your student(s) at home, by visiting the link provided.

Fernwood Safety and Support of Students and Community

The beginning of a new year provides a good opportunity to remind students and families of our commitment to student, family, and staff safety, as well as avenues available if you or your student has concerns you wish to share with us.  Our school works closely in collaboration with law enforcement, District Safety and Security, and District administrators to ensure your concerns are taken seriously and are addressed promptly.  We must be vigilant in the protection of our school community, and we value and appreciate our partnership with you.  We can't do it alone.


If you or your student sees or hears something concerning, please say something. If at any time you or your student believes you have knowledge of any situation where danger is imminent, dial 911 immediately.   And please continue to encourage your student to share any concerns with a trusted staff member. If they aren’t comfortable sharing directly with staff, concerns can always be anonymously submitted using our Safe Schools Alert System: 

As always, if I can ever be of assistance, please don't hesitate to call or email.

Cassie Morton, Principal Call-(425)408-4505 Email- cmorton@nsd.org



Preparation for Inclement Weather

If weather conditions are severe enough, there are times when our school schedule can be impacted. You can visit the "Closures and Delays" on the Northshore School District's website to learn more about how decisions are made related to this topic as well as how you can be informed if adjustments to the school schedule occur.






After School Enrichment Program 

We still have spaces for Creative Hands art class starting next Monday from 4pm to 5pm in Room P5. If you are interested, please register through their website.   https://www.creativehandsstudio.net/product/fernwood-elementary-afterschool-art-program/


Spelling Bee

Second Round - January 13

Grades 1-3 @ 6:30pm in Fernwood Cafeteria 

Grades 4-5 @ 7:15pm in Fernwood Cafeteria 


Third Round - February 10 

Grades 1-3 @ 6:30pm in Fernwood Cafeteria 

Grades 4-5 @ 7:45pm in Fernwood Cafeteria 


Final Round - February 11 

7pm in Fernwood Cafeteria 


Email spellingbeefernwood@gmail.com with questions 


PTSA General Meeting 

Date: Tuesday, January 14th 

Location: Fernwood Library 

Time: 7pm 

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82931673151

Join Fernwood PTSA

PTSA memberships must be renewed annually so if you haven’t signed up already, please consider joining the PTSA today. Join the PTSA: https://fernwoodptsa.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true



Past Newsletters and Weekly Updates

Follow this link to Fernwood's past newsletters for the 23-24 School Year.


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