January 2025 Panther Pride

January 2025 Panther Pride
January 2025


We create and maintain a safe and consistent learning community by establishing positive behavioral supports and a culture where all students achieve social, emotional and academic success.

In this issue:

  • Principal’s Message

  • Dates to Remember

  • Construction Update

  • Counselor Connection

  • In the Know

  • District Information

  • PTSA Information

  • And More



Hello Fernwood Families,


Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you rested and eager to return to the routine of school! Coming back from winter break can hold such a feeling of renewed hope, fresh starts and reset intentions. I know that I spent time over break reflecting on our time left in this school year and the ways we continue to build and strengthen our partnerships with families and the community. This partnership is evident in our ongoing adjustments to our arrival and dismissal traffic patterns as we have been under construction. 


As a reminder, we will be using our new North Parking Lot when we return on January 6th. I know that many teachers have been sharing communication around the new procedures in their newsletters. I am also including the updated procedures here. Please take time to review these procedures carefully as they may impact how you decide to drop off or pick up your child. One of the biggest changes is that families that park on 39th to drop off or pick up their children as walkers, will no longer be able to do so. The car drop off and pick up que will be using 39th. You can find detailed explanations and images on this Slide Deck


Thank you for your ongoing partnership and cooperation as we continually seek to ensure the safety of all our students, staff and community. We know it will take a little time to settle into this new routine and appreciate your patience. If you have thoughts or ideas you would like to share around these changes, we invite you to come to our next Community Listening Session on Tuesday, January 14th from 6:30pm-7:00pm. 


We look forward to welcoming back our Fernwood Panthers and seeing their smiling faces as we return to school on Monday, January 6th!


With appreciation,

Cassie Morton, Principal






1/1 - 1-3



 School Resumes

1/13 Spelling Bee Round 2 Cafeteria 6:30pm

 Listening Session

Cafeteria 6:30pm

 PTSA General Meeting




 NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Day


 End of the First Semester

1/24 Student Council - Culture Day    

NO SCHOOL - Non Student- Teacher Work Day



2/7 Early Dismissal @ 12:30 for Conferences   12:30pm
2/10 Spelling Bee Finals Cafeteria 6:30pm
2/11 Spelling Bee Finals Cafeteria 6:30pm
2/14 Student Council - Pajama Day    
2/17 - 2/21 NO SCHOOL - Mid-Winter Break    
2/27 Class Picture Day   All day



We are officially in Phase 2- Which entails the completion of a New North Parking Lot that will be the new car drop off and pick up lane for students. 

Below is expanded written communication about the changes to arrival and dismissal procedures specific to walkers and those coming to and from school by car. You can click on this link to view a slide show with visuals.



For the month of January, all students are having their fifth classroom lesson with their school counselors. Students in grades K - 2 recently explored verbal choices to make when solving small problems (the 5 verbal choices include: Talk It Out, Apologize, Share and Take Turns, Make a Deal, and Tell them to Stop). While working on the verbal choices in their December lesson, the students were provided a model to see the choice in action as demonstrated by older peers; and then, they practiced using these choices in response to hypothetical scenarios. This month, students are continuing to learn about Kelso's Choices and are exploring the 4 non-verbal ways to solve small problems (Ignore it, Walk Away, Wait and Cool Off and Go to Another Game). We teach students to try 2 of Kelso’s Choices independently before asking for adult’s support when solving small problems.   

For students in grades 3 - 5, their learning about the three R’s to Bullying Prevention continues! Recognize means asking: Is what I am seeing bullying or a conflict, a misunderstanding or a small problem?), Report means telling an adult that I trust (because bullying is a big problem, and Refuse means assertively telling the person to STOP. This month, students will learn more about Bystander Power and ways they can be a supportive bystander. The final lesson in this unit for grades 4 & 5 this month will include examples related to the 3R’s to help prevent cyberbullying. Bullying prevention requires students’ use of empathy skills to activate their compassion for others and assertive communication to refuse bullying. Thank you for your support in engaging with your child about their bullying prevention skills. 

In January, we are also continuing our small groups with approximately 110 students, which represents 15% of our student population. Small groups this Winter Session include topics on growth mindset, emotional regulation, and friendship. 

As always, if you have any questions or would like to request any additional support for your student, please do not hesitate to reach out! We are here for your student’s success! 

Best Regards, 

Jennifer Brisbine (Grades 1, 3 & 5) jbrisbine@nsd.org and 425-408-4570

Sarah Cue (Grades K, 2 & 4) scue@nsd.org and 425-408-4572

*The SEL Calendar is shared with families to promote students' self-care practices to help create healthy habits.

To learn more about these curriculums, we encourage you to explore the resources below:

Kelso’s Choices Parent Information

3rd Grade Bullying Prevention Unit Family Letter

4th Grade Bullying Prevention Unit Family Letter

5th Grade Bullying Prevention Unit Family Letter

Additional Resources:

Child Mind Institute Free Webinars

Student Self-Care Calendar

Click on the image below to access 10 months of self-care ideas designed to help elementary students create habits to make self-care practices a daily routine.



Live Listening Session 
Our next Live Listening Session will be on Tuesday, January 14th at 6:30pm. Parents wanting to attend can do so in person in the Fernwood Library or by Zoom linked here. This is an open conversation for families to share thoughts and ideas on ways to strengthen our partnership in service of student learning.
Zoom Invite: use this link


Student Council Spirit Day

Culture Day is on Friday, January 24th. Students are encouraged to wear traditional clothing of the culture from which they most identify. We are appreciative of the ways our Student Council creates opportunities to celebrate and learn about the various cultures within our Fernwood community. 


January 27th Non Student Day

The end of the first semester is on Friday, January 24th. Teachers are then given Monday, January 27th to use for grading and completing report cards. As a result, Monday, January 27th is a non student day and there is no school. 

You can find the full family calendar linked here.

Friday, February 7th

Students will be dismissed at 12:30 pm on Friday, February 7th. The remainder of the day is set aside for parent-teacher conferences. This is a limited conference day designed for new students or as a follow up from the fall conference. Teachers selected families with whom they would like to meet to further discuss student progress for the 2024-25 school year. Since only an afternoon is set aside, teachers are not able to meet with all families.  If you have further questions, please reach out to your teacher. 




Preparation for Inclement Weather

If weather conditions are severe enough, there are times when our school schedule can be impacted. You can visit the "Closures and Delays" on the Northshore School District's website to learn more about how decisions are made related to this topic as well as how you can be informed if adjustments to the school schedule occur.


Enrollment for 25-26 School Year

Enrollment dates are as follows:

  • January 6:  The K-12 waiver application process opens for Northshore employees and in-district and out-of-district students with current waivers.

  • January 8:  Open Enrollment for all Kindergarten students, new 1-12th grade Northshore students, and Choice Programs and Schools applications begin

  • February 24:  Students with approved applications for Choice Schools and or Programs may submit waivers.

  • March 24:  The K-12 application process for new waivers including in-district, out-of-district, and currently waived NSD students moving from 5th to 6th grade and 8th to 9th grade opens.


Please be sure to check the PTSA'S website for all the up to date information and calendar

PTSA Meeting
The PTSA meeting will be on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00pm in the Fernwood Library or you can join via zoom. 
Zoom Invite: use this link.   On behalf of the Fernwood PTSA Board of Directors: we hope to see you there.

Join Fernwood PTSA

If you haven't yet become a PTSA member for this new school year please consider joining the PTSA today. 


Fernwood PTSA Social Media 

Keep up on events, key dates, spirit days, and more by following us on social media.   


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FernwoodPTSAOfficial 

Instagram: fernwood_ptsa