Fernwood's Weekly Update: October 9th-13th

Fernwood's Weekly Update: October 9th-13th
October 9th-13th, 2023


Fernwood Elementary Mission

We create and maintain a safe and consistent learning community by establishing positive behavioral supports and a culture where all students achieve social, emotional and academic success.





Cross Country Practice

Gym 8:05am

Deadline to Join Choir


Cross Country Meet @ Fernwood

Field 4:45pm

Fernwood Community Listening Session

Cafeteria 6:00-7:00pm
10/12 Deadline to Join Ukelele    
10/14 Deadline to sign NSD Required Forms    




Fernwood Community Listening Session

Here at Fernwood, we want to hear from you! As a member of our Fernwood learning community, you have a unique perspective on our strengths and areas for growth around school-wide goals. We hope you can join us for our first Community Listening Session on Tuesday, October 10th from 6:00-7:00pm in the Cafeteria so we can learn more about your experience. 


What is a Listening Session?

Listening Sessions are a forum for families to share with school staff and one another their experiences or perspectives. Topics are connected to education related to Fernwood Elementary. These open conversations deepen the relationships across our school community as well as the partnership between school and home by gaining perspective and insight around the values, goals, and ideas of a diverse school community.


What is the Topic and Questions We Will Discuss? 

We want to hear your thoughts on our school-wide goals this year. Come share 

  • what you feel is going well related to our goals,

  • your experience or your child’s experience related to our goals, 

  • and what we can consider differently related to creating and achieving our goals.


Can I Bring My Child?

We have an opportunity for up to 30 students to participate in STEM activities in our gym instructed by a certificated science teacher and Fernwood PTSA member while their parents engage in the listening session. We will use a lottery if we have more than 30 families sign up. Please see the question below to register. Outside of the STEM activities, we will not have specific activities for students, but parents can still bring their child along with individual activities. We want you there!


What are My Next Steps if I Want to Come?

Please register yourself to attend the listening session and your child for STEM if applicable by using this RSVP link


For more details, please see our flyer attached


Fernwood Choir

If your 3rd, 4th or 5th grader is interested in singing in the amazing Fernwood Panther Choir this year, please fill out the following form by Monday, October 9th:  

https://forms.gle/mzLbQavHxYNgPB6R8. Choir rehearsals begin on Wednesday, October 11th in the gym.  Please email Mrs. Ordona with any questions - sordona@nsd.org


Ukelele Club - 4th and 5th graders - (Keiki Nani)

If you are in 4th or 5th grade and are interested in joining Keiki Nani, please fill out this form linked here by Thursday, October 12th. Please email Mrs. Teter with any questions: cteter@nsd.org





Northshore Required Documents

Annually the District provides parents/guardians with notification of forms that must be acknowledged, including:

  • WA State Attendance Letter 

  • Rights and Responsibilities Handbook 

  • Weapons Letter 

  • Student Housing Questionnaire

  • Permission to Withhold Student Directory Information


We ask that you login to ParentVUE today to view these forms. If you have never logged into ParentVUE, you will find instructions on how to do so when you click the link above. Please know that when you next login to ParentVUE, you will be prompted to download, read, and take action for each of the forms listed above. Additionally, secondary students will be prompted to download, read and acknowledge the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook when they login to StudentVUE. Families with elementary students are encouraged to review the handbook together in ParentVUE with their students. These forms must be completed no later than Oct. 14. 


The forms are available in English, Spanish, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Russian, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Korean, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. If you would like to access a paper copy of these forms, please contact your school’s main office.


If you have any questions about these forms, please contact Student Services at (425) 408-7725 or by email at studentsvcs@nsd.org.





Join Fernwood PTSA

Join the PTSA: https://www.memberplanet.com/s/fernwoodptsa/membership-form-2023-24


Upcoming Events

For information on the upcoming Watch DAWGS Kickoff Event and Glow Dance, please see information with our October Panther Pride linked below. 




Past Newsletters and Weekly Updates

Follow this link to Fernwood's past newsletters for the 23-24 School Year.


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