Fernwood's Weekly Update: January 8-12th

Fernwood's Weekly Update: January 8-12th
WEEKLY UPDATE January 8th - 12th


Fernwood Elementary Mission

We create and maintain a safe and consistent learning community by establishing positive behavioral supports and a culture where all students achieve social, emotional and academic success.




1/8 Open NSD Enrollment for 2024-2025    
1/9 Live Listening Session Library and Zoom
1/9 PTSA General Meeting Library and Zoom
1/11 PTSA Spelling Bee - Round 2 Cafeteria 6:30-9:00pm
1/12 HICAP Make-Up Testing On Campus 9:30-11:00am
1/15 NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr Day    



Parent Listening Session

The following was shared in the January Panther Pride with parents:

With the theme of reflection and being advocates for change, we plan to hold our next Live Listening Session with families on Tuesday, January 9th from 6:00pm-7:00pm. The purpose of these listening sessions are to create a forum for families to share their perspective and experiences with school staff and one another so that we can consider different approaches to supporting students and our community as we work to uphold the values, goals, and ideas of a diverse school community.

  • Topic: Our topic for this section will be - What does belonging at school look like from your perspective? 

  • Location: Parents can attend in person within the Fernwood Library or by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82931673151 .  

  • RSVP: Please see our attached is our flier with more information as well as with our RSVP link. Please RSVP if you plan to attend so we can plan refreshments for those in person accordingly. 


Preparation for Cold Weather 

Near freezing temperatures are predicted to in the area towards the end of the week. Please make sure students come to school with warm jackets, hats, gloves, and shoes on these days. As always, we want to support the safety of all on campus. We will monitor any icy conditions and adjust daily activities accordingly. For information on the decision-making process and notifications related to closures and delays, please click here to here.  


Make Up HiCAP IOWA Testing

There will be make-up HiCAP IOWA testing in the cafeteria on January 12th from 9:30-11:00am. Students that were absent in December will take part in the testing.





Enrollment for 2024-2025 School Year

Monday, January 8th,  open enrollment begins for new Northshore students, including Kindergarten. Enrollment is completed online. Directions on how to enroll, including what documentation is required, can be found on the District enrollment webpage. The webpage will be updated on Jan. 8 to accept 2024-25 enrollment. 





PTSA Meeting:

The month’s PTSA meeting will be on Tuesday, January 9th at 7:00pm in the Fernwood Library.

You can also join by Zoom: The link to attend virtually is included below:


Meeting ID: 829 3167 3151

On behalf of the Fernwood PTSA Board of Directors: we hope to see you there.


PTSA Spelling Bee Information

We have successfully completed the first round of online testing for Spelling Bee. The qualified students of the first round will attend the second round of written test for Spelling Bee on Jan 11th, 2024. There are three slots for the written test as below:

  • Grade 1 : 6:30-7:15pm

  • Grade 2 & Grade 3 :7:30-8:00pm

  • Grade 4 & Grade 5 :8:15-8:45pm

The qualifying students who qualify for the second round will move to the final round of Spelling Bee.  The students qualified will receive an email with the details about the next round.

URGENT We need volunteers!  To sign up to volunteer for spelling Bee, please use the below link.
For more question please mail to : spellingbeefernwood@gmail.com


Join Fernwood PTSA

Join the PTSA: https://www.memberplanet.com/s/fernwoodptsa/membership-form-2023-24




Past Newsletters and Weekly Updates

Follow this link to Fernwood's past newsletters for the 23-24 School Year.


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