August Panther Pride

August Panther Pride
August 2024


We create and maintain a safe and consistent learning community by establishing positive behavioral supports and a culture where all students achieve social, emotional and academic success.

In this issue:

  • Principal’s Message

  • Dates to Remember

  • Counselor Corner

  • In the Know

  • District Information

  • PTSA Information



Dear Fernwood Families,


Welcome back…well almost. I hope you and your family have been able to enjoy these gorgeous summer days we have had the last few weeks and continue to make the most of these last couple of weeks. It truly has been beautiful weather to experience our amazing Pacific Northwest. 


While you continue to enjoy your slower summer days, there has been a hub of activity around Fernwood in preparation to welcome our students back. Abbott Construction has begun the work on creating a new parking lot on the north side of the play field. If you drive by, you will see mountains of dirt! We also have new carpets in the 100 and 200 classroom wings. Working around construction, our custodians have been working hard to prepare the buildings for the school year ahead. As with any construction project, flexibility and humor is a necessity. Our staff continue to demonstrate that in abundance. We had our power shut off for a week which meant our office team worked by lantern light and from home to ensure students are registered, materials are organized and families are supported. Fernwood’s administrative team along with members of our school’s leadership team, are busy planning our collective steps toward ongoing improvement. In addition, although classrooms have been closed due to summer projects, teachers are beginning to plan and prepare to ensure they are ready to welcome your student to foster belonging and inclusion with the classroom. 


During the month of August our staff will gather collectively to begin another year of taking our school-wide mission of: 


We create and maintain a safe and consistent learning community by establishing positive behavioral supports and a culture where all achieve social, emotional and academic success. 


off the page and turning it into action by remaining focused on how we are constructing a learning community that is inclusive and a place of belonging for each of our students and families. Our continued focus of belonging and inclusion for students and families, combined with our expansion project, shapes our theme for the 2024-25 school year which is “Under Construction- Building Excellence”. We recognize that construction does not happen just in the physical sense, but also in the academic and social-emotional development of individuals. Through our support, our students are constructing knowledge and developing themselves as reflective and self-aware critical thinkers.This theme keeps us focused on carrying out our mission by honoring students for who they are and how they learn. Families, we look to you as critical partners in this construction. We value your insight and input as you know your child best. We look forward to learning from you about your child’s stories, strengths, and talents as we partner together to support students in achieving their greatest potential this year. 


As we near the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, we are eager to greet returning families and to warmly welcome those that are new. Enclosed you will find information on our school year ahead! We look forward to seeing you soon!


With appreciation,

Cassie Morton, Principal








8/29 Kindergarten Curriculum Night Cafeteria 5:15pm
8/29 1st Grade Curriculum Night Cafeteria 6:45pm


Date Event Location Time
9/3 First Day of School   9:20-3:50pm
9/3 PTSA Tears and Cheers Cafeteria 9:20-10:30am
9/4 Full Day of School - not early release   9:20-3:50pm
9/6 Staggered Start for Kindergarten

Last names A-L Begin Today


Staggered Start for Kindergarten

Last names M-Z Begin Today

9/10 All Kindergarteners Attend    
9/10 PTSA General Meeting Library 7:00-8:00pm
9/11 Early Release Wednesday's Begin - Dismissal @ 2:20pm   2:20pm
9/17 2nd Grade Curriculum Night Cafeteria 5:30pm
9/17 3rd Grade Curriculum Night Cafeteria 6:30pm
9/19 Picture Day   All Day
9/24 4th Grade Curriculum Night Cafeteria 5:30pm
9/24 5th Grade Curriculum Night Cafeteria 6:30pm


As we approach the start of the 24-25 school year, you may find your child has mixed feelings about returning or beginning school. At the start of each school year, students and teachers alike can experience mixed emotions (excitement with unease, for example) when returning or starting school. In fact, the unease may be overpowering the excitement, especially so for those who are prone to anxiety and/or might be new to Fernwood. As a parent you also may have mixed feelings at this time. Please know that as a school community, we have been preparing for your child’s return to school with their social-emotional well-being as our top priority. Take comfort in knowing we strive to nurture a safe and welcoming learning environment. 


You may be wondering what you as a parent can do to help your child as we approach the start of the school year. You may find helpful the following tips and resources linked below:


*Talk to your child about their feelings, explore and answer their questions

*Without judgment, validate your child’s feelings (talking about worry makes it smaller)

*Follow routines with consistent bedtime and wake-up schedule

*To manage wellness, make good nutrition choices, sleep, and exercise a priority

*Practice deep breathing to help regulate the body’s stress response

*Use Second Step’s strategies when big feelings show up: Stop, Name the Feeling, Calm Down


If your child needs additional support from your school counselor, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Resources for returning to school:

Johns Hopkins: Managing Anxiety for Return to School

Second Step’s Mind Yeti: Guided Mindfulness Sessions


Best Regards, 

Jennifer Brisbine (Grades K, 2, & 4) and 425-408-4570

Sarah Cue (Grades 1, 3, & 5) and 425-408-4572




Under Construction Updates

Construction has been in action over the summer! 

Phase 1- North Parking Lot:

We now have a gravity drain system being put in place in the north section of the playfield, which will become our north parking lot. In order to create this, there were two cement vaults installed, one in the field and one behind the play shed. The two vaults were connected by an underground tunnel. 


Phase 2- Expansion Building Site and Construction:

Fencing will be installed by the end of August, designating the construction zone for the expansion building. This will impact parking areas and access in and around campus. While Abbott Construction awaits permit approvals, work is being done to prepare the site for breaking ground later this fall.


Information About Staff

Welcome New Staff

We are fortunate to welcome several new highly qualified staff members this year. 

  • Norma Kvarda, Second Grade Teacher

  • Julia Hutcheson, Kindergarten Teacher

  • Christy Michaelis,  1.0-ELD Teacher

  • Laura Bentz, .5- Special Education Teacher

  • Michael Hatlen, .1-PE

  • Kira McDaniel, .7-Music 

  • Annie Fagundes, .3-Librarian

  • Sophia Yun, School Assistant

  • Shachi Shukla, 1:1 Paraeducator

  • Sandy Wu, 1:1 Paraeducator

  • Juliet Gordon Mohammed, SLP

Community Serve Day          

  • What is it: Community Serve Day is an opportunity to come together with your community to help schools get ready for the new school year by preparing classrooms and school grounds to become a premier learning environment for our kids. Projects include helping teachers set up classrooms, as well as improving the campuses through painting, repairs, beautification, and more. 


    • When is it: Sunday, August 25th from 9:00am – 1:00pm

  • How do I get involved: Register at


Classroom Assignments

Classroom Assignments will be available on Friday, August 23rd, via ParentVUE. Classroom assignments provide information about your child's classroom teacher for the year. Please make sure that you know your ParentVUE login and password prior to this date. If you need support with this, please call the office. An email will be sent to all families on the August 23rd notifying them when this information is available.


5th Grade Safety Patrol Meeting 

To all the 5th grade safety patrollers! Please plan on attending a meeting on Thursday, August 29th from 1:00 to 2:00pm in Mrs. Cho's room, P7. Also, students, please be watching your email account for an email from Mrs. Cho regarding more information. If you have any questions, you may contact Mrs. Cho at


Curriculum Nights

Please make it a priority to attend your child’s Curriculum Night. This is an important opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, find out about the instructional focus for your child’s grade level, and learn about our school-wide focus and goals. This year, Curriculum Nights will be held in-person. We appreciate your attendance in our shared efforts to form a strong home-school partnership in support of each child achieving their greatest potential. *If you need an interpreter for Curriculum Night, please contact LeAnn Edison @



Grade Level 




August 29th 



August 29th



September 17th



September 17th



September 24th 



September 24th



Back to School Reminders


School Hours   

Daily Schedule

Campus supervision begins (students may arrive)

School Begins


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday


Wednesdays Only





School Supplies 

Due to construction, supply drop off will happen on the first day of school on September 3rd for grades 1-5. Kindergarten supply drop off will take place on the students’ first day of school, September 6th or 9th, depending on the last name. A list of school supplies for each grade level can be found on our Fernwood Website


We know that many families, students and teachers look forward to this chance to meet before the start of school and become familiar with their new classroom and teacher. Due to current construction activity and the unpredictability of access to parking and the campus, we ask that supplies be dropped off on the first day of school when our walkways and campus are safe to welcome students and the community. Parents may assist their child to their classroom on the first day to ease any nervousness. We appreciate your understanding during this exciting time of construction! 


Ongoing Communication

Ongoing Communication 

During the school year, you will receive a school-wide communication each Sunday.

  • Panther Pride Newsletter - This is our school-wide newsletter that will be shared out at the beginning of the month. It will provide detailed information about student learning and events relevant for the upcoming month.  

  • Weekly Update - This is a school-wide snapshot of student learning and events that are relevant ONLY to that week. The Weekly Update will not be shared on the week in which the Panther Pride Newsletter goes out. 

  • Teacher Newsletters - Teachers will let you know the cadence in which they will be sharing important information occurring in the classroom. 




Important Updates for Families From Northshore Food Services

Northshore School District will continue to serve breakfast and lunch: 

  • Cost of Meals Elementary Breakfast - $2.25   Elementary Lunch - $3.75   Milk- $.50

  • Paying for Meals

    • Paying Online: Parents may pay online with Visa or MasterCard using a secure internet site called LINQ Connect (formerly Titan). Be prepared for purchasing meals by opening a LINQ Connect account where you can add money to your student's account, set up recurring payments, see purchases, set low-balance reminders, move money between siblings and even apply for benefits!

    • Pay by Check: Parents can also pay by cash or check (made out to Northshore School District) at the school’s office. There is no fee for paying with cash or check. Checks should indicate “school meals” in the memo/for line.

  • Free and Reduced Meals Parents whose income falls within guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture should apply for free or reduced-price meals. Families must reapply each year to receive benefits for the current school year. All students who qualify for free, as well as those who qualify for reduced-price meals, will receive both breakfast and lunch at no charge. You can apply online or download an application at or pick up a paper application from your school or district’s Food and Nutrition Services offices. To have an application mailed to you, call Food and Nutrition Services at 425.408.7657.


Student Technology

  • Returning students 3rd-5th Grade: Students should have Chromebooks that they received last year. Now is a good time to make sure you know where your child’s device, charger, and bag are located. Students entering 2nd grade will receive devices once school begins. 

  • New students in 3rd-5th Grade and those in 2nd Grade: Students will receive a device soon after the first day of school. More information to come.

  • New and Returning students in Kindergarten and First Grade: Students will have 1:1 access to iPads during the school day, but will not transport devices home.  


Are You Planning to Volunteer this Year?

Individuals who want to volunteer within any Northshore school must follow the process to become an approved volunteer. Please find the process information here. These forms must be completed on a yearly basis. 


Please be sure to check the PTSA'S website for all the up to date information and calendar