

image of children showing their book choices gathered at a table in the library

Welcome to the Fernwood Library!



Our goal is to provide the skills, experiences, and confidence that will enable students to use libraries and information resources for life-long learning as well as fostering an ongoing love of reading. The library program is run by two certified teacher-librarians and a part time library assistant. Fernwood Elementary Library has approximately 13,000 physical books/materials available for check-out by Fernwood students and staff. Students visit the library as a class once a week for 45 minutes where they:

  • receive instruction in using library and information skills
  • explore fiction genres and nonfiction books, using familiar as well as brand new titles
  • check out books that students choose based on their interests

Library Book Policy

Library Book check out details:

  • Books are checked out for two weeks with a maximum of two renewals.
  • Number of books checked out by grade
  • Kindergarten: one book
  • First Grade: two books
  • Second Grade: two books
  • Third Grade: three books
  • Fourth Grade: four books
  • Fifth Grade: five books

(For classroom research, students may check out books beyond this number.)  

  • If a book is overdue, fines are not charged, but checkout is limited until the book is returned.
  • If a book is damaged or lost, please pay for the book through TouchBase or through the Fernwood Office Manager: LeAnn Edison
  • Do not purchase a book to replace. Library books are purchased with reinforced bindings to withstand many years of use.

Accessing the Fernwood and Northshore Library resources from home

In addition to physical books, Fernwood and the District provide many electronic books and magazines.

Destiny Discover is the graphic interface for the library catalog found through Clever. There are many ebooks available as well as links to other online resources for students and their families. Students can also place holds on both ebooks and physical books through this tool.

The text based catalog is available through this link: Choose Fernwood to get started.




NSD Internet Safety & Citizenship

All Northshore staff believe in the importance of empowering students to engage with digital content and platforms to meet learning goals.

A critical element in leveraging technology for learning is the development of Digital Citizenship skills. All students in Northshore receive annual instruction on Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety.


Fernwood Library staff:

Erin Hough, Teacher-Librarian 

Andrea Zager, Teacher-Librarian 

Hannah Hurey, Library Assistant 


Library Staff:

Erin Hough

Andrea Zager